Sunday, November 27, 2011

11/27/11: Art Dump!

Finally drew a decent Batman. I like how Cassandra's outfit turned out on the right. 

More pose practice. Red and purple compliment each other quite nicely. 

More pose practice. I like this set quite a bit. I drew this page while watching an episode of Firefly (I think it's called "No Gas"?) and while talking with my mom as she recounted how she picked and cooked some mushrooms growing in the backyard (note: it is highly inadvisable to pick and cook/eat wild mushrooms because their toxicity level is generally unknown unless you're an expert. Luckily, mom didn't get sick – she just thought it tasted terrible)

More pose practice. I drew this while watching "The Sword in the Stone" (hence the owl) – which is still hilarious in many respects. It's also a great movie for animation/drawing references! (The top right doodle is a quick sketch of a pose Madam Mim takes when she's confronting Merlin) 

Man, this was a fun page to draw! Tons of pose practice, plus Catwoman! 

I really do like green and grey eyes – I just find them fascinating to look at at. Also, attempt at drawing soccer girl with strong legs! Too bad I ran out of space on the paper. 

A rare attempt at drawing a character and the surrounding environment. I'm still very weak when it comes to drawing settings and non-organic things. Oh well, practice makes perfect. Also, purple eyes!

Ahahahahaha this page... so many inside joke-quotes. Also, I did a bad doodle of Matsuko from "My Neighbor the Yamadas" towards the left. 

Man, I must really hate those freaking stilettos on Nolan's Catwoman because I keep drawing her without them lolol. Oh look, there's Mal Cobb on the top from "Inception!" 

Omg I was so hungry while doodling on this page! I wrote おなかすいた!(ONAKA SUITA = I'M HUNGRY) twice, and one with color ! lololol

I most definitely was watching "My Neighbors the Yamadas" while doodling this page – I mean hell I wrote となりのやまだくん (Tonari no Yamada-kun) all over the damn page...

Man, scarfs sure are nice :) 

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